Monday, November 29, 2010

Inspired Thoughts

As I sit here, as I often do, on the floor of my bedroom, I think. I consider the end of the year approaching, I consider the past week I spent avoiding the spot on the floor in my bedroom on which I think my best thoughts. But now that I’m back in my spot, this is what I consider:  This week, I faced many life lessons. I learned that being your own person is sometimes difficult. I faced fears I had denied as fears my entire life. I learned tolerance. I learned that sometimes it’s best to just support friends, no matter what they choose. I figured out that sometimes it pays to be a good listener, instead of talking about you all the time. I learned that you can’t slow life down. You can beg it all you want, but it won’t pause itself or stop so you can take a breath. You can never stop growing up, no matter what you want to do. I realized, recently, that things will show themselves to you and teach you lessons if you just watch out for it.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Home Is Where the Heart Is

 Have you ever been sitting in a place, metaphorically or otherwise, and you know that that is the spot you were meant to be? Have you ever felt that the world was spinning perfectly, if only for a moment? What about the fact that even if you've been in a terrible mood all week, just being in that spot where you belong can, and does, put you in the best mood ever? This is a surreal feeling, and one that I haven't known in a long time.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I Was Enchanted to Meet You

    I am here in this little town that holds the memories, both pleasant and otherwise, in the palm of its hand. I leave tomorrow, and in some ways that seems all too soon. But as I think about the short visit I've had here, compared to others, I also recall the way people are back in the town I currently call my home, still living life. The few friends I do have are still going on with life, as I moved my life here for a few days. I regrettably spend my last night here, hunched over this computer, typing this.

Chinese Restaurants Are Not Always What They Seem

Today, I was at the mercy of my mind. I try very hard to prevent this from happening as much as possible, but today i decided to let it roam. I was a sailor of sorts among the ripping waves of my thoughts. I tipped back and forth in the boat I will appropriately name SS. Understanding as waves roaring anger and kindness crashed into one big wave. I watched helplessly as many emotions crashed into, and eventually tipped, my poor vessel. As I struggled not to drown in this mix of emotions, I tried to use the safety ring of writing to pull me out of the raging waters, but it was too late. I was lost to this sea of emotions, and suffered my first writer's block. This was a very saddening thing.

Monday, November 22, 2010

"Don't be Silly!"

    I spent the majority of today trying to decide whether or not to delete this little website of  mine or not because of the way some people are unbelievably inconsiderate. I tossed the possibilities of never posting again around in my head for a long spell. I considered whether it was a good idea or not to stop doing something I love simply because some people unknowingly lack the originality to lead their own life. While I listened to the new edition of the Taylor Swift CD. I realized how silly I was being.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Meant to Be

As I sit outside on this crisp November evening, alone by a crackling fire, I listen to Taylor Swift’s acoustic version of Haunted. I listen to the words carefully and think way too deeply about the meaning of the song. I start to feel the way Taylor must have felt as she composed this poetry. So much meaning comes from this incredible song that my socks are knocked of. I consider the pain in her voice as she sings about love and loss. I think about how much faith it takes to never give up on someone. To put your trust so completely into someone, that you love them recklessly. The ability love has to make someone crumble by the mere loss of it.

For You Guys:

I am completely overwhelmed by the amount of support I have received in the publishing of this little slice of heaven that is invariably called a blog. It seems unfortunately cliche that such a small thing as posting my innermost views, thoughts, and feelings to the Internet would give me a sense of purpose and meaningful outreach; but it means the world.

Big shoes to fill

Sometimes, I’m amazed to look back through my own mind. I have a habit of flipping back chapters in my life. Sometimes it’s really fun to look back and watch films of perspective running through my own mind like a movie theater. I often look back to a time when I was young and carefree.

"I was just trying to help!"

Sometimes, there are people in that waltz in our lives thinking they know all about you. But the truth is; they know nothing. They may try to boss you around, judge you, or ruin your life strictly because they think they know how. Although there are times when we are all wrong, there are a few times when we’re right, too. These know-it-alls are extremely annoying and refuse to take no as an answer. Let me elaborate with a narration:

Friday, November 19, 2010

Kind of Like a Fairytale, But Not At All.

As we grow up, we develop memories. We may remember what our kindergarten classroom smelled like. We may subconsiously recall the place we had our first kiss, and pause when we pass by. We may remember how our mom made cookies. Now every time we eat an oatmeal cookie, we enjoy it especially because of the memory. Memories are fascinating things that have always flooded my mind. They sneak up and attack me when I least expect it. Smells seem to stand out exceptionally well, among other senses.  I may stop in the middle of a sentence and say louder than usual : " i remember that smell! That's exactly the way my old boyfriend from 6th grade smelled!" Memories are wonderful, terrible things.

You Are a Masterpiece

Have you ever seen a Picasso, Van Gough, or Monet painting? These paintings are about four quadrillion dollars a piece at an art auction. Some of these pieces may look like something a four- year- old scribbled once one time on the wall of her big sister’s bedroom wall. But to some, these paintings are as good as gold, as shown in the prices. To them, these paintings are the most beautiful use of color and line that have ever blessed the earth. These pricey paintings make so many people think and form opinions; some good, some not so good.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Procastination At Its Absolute Best

I'm really supposed to be packing to visit my grandparents at the moment, but I don't enjoy being forced to do something (like pack) for a day that seems to have sprint up to me like lightening. As I walked into my untidy room, opened my laptop, and turn Taylor Swift on to a pleasing low mumble, I thought about the day that is coming to a close and the one that is quickly approaching. I thought about how complicated life seems to be and decided that I can't possibly keep my mind on packing with all of this flooding my mind. So with my indecisive, procrastinating mind, I sit down to sort this through.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Speak Now

Sometimes, obsessions are a really bad thing. Drugs, sex, alcohol, stealing. There are a lot of bad obsessions, or addictions. But at the same time there are a lot of good obsessions, too.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

'Act your age, not your shoe size'

how about those people that start drama and issues cleverly? you know, not about them, or people they talk to regularly, but people that they observe, or have a class with. maybe you're a victim, maybe you're the causer of this distress. either way, it's a waste of time. Hurting one's feelings just so you can sit back and laugh is not any way to be. Maybe it's fun for a minute,  but down the road, you get no gain from any of it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

start simple

sometimes-- we get so caught up in life and craziness that we forget that the ' big plan' isnt to come out 'on top' in highschool. we get so caught up in drama, that we completely make ourselves miserable. so here's a reminder or more: