Thursday, November 18, 2010

Procastination At Its Absolute Best

I'm really supposed to be packing to visit my grandparents at the moment, but I don't enjoy being forced to do something (like pack) for a day that seems to have sprint up to me like lightening. As I walked into my untidy room, opened my laptop, and turn Taylor Swift on to a pleasing low mumble, I thought about the day that is coming to a close and the one that is quickly approaching. I thought about how complicated life seems to be and decided that I can't possibly keep my mind on packing with all of this flooding my mind. So with my indecisive, procrastinating mind, I sit down to sort this through.

     Have you ever been in the situation where: there's a significant other from your past who has caused you all the the pain in the world. You have spent your past days, when things were pleasant, wrapped in their arms. You could spend hours upon hours of conversation with this one person, or stay in a comfortable silence, neither of you saying a word. This one special person seemed to be the only special person ever. But, after a while, you fight more and more. They may have told a secret, or kept one, crucial to a healthy relationship. That one person you loved betrayed you in whatever way and you ended things between the two of you all too suddenly, it seemed. Maybe you just drifted apart. Maybe you've given them countless chances, for whatever reason. But all in all, it just wasn't what it was in the beginning. The end of this fairytale relationship may have sent you into a deep depression. You can't eat, sleep, concentrate, smile, talk, laugh, or anything that normal people do. You may have felt a giant hole in your chest for a long time and cried every time you were alone, or they text you out of habit. But after time, you healed. You realized that there was a reason you didn't work and you can't dwell on things that aren't meant to be. You start to slowly be normal. Talk. Laugh. After a little while, you're able to find another person. Maybe not as special yet as the other was. But there's a good tingle in your heart when you see them, and you think that this may grow to be something as wonderful as what was before. You eventually lose all or most pain of the last one, because this one has filled your heart in ways the other never did.
What happens when the other one apologizes and wants to start over?
 Everything falls apart for a second. Your world goes upside down and you have no idea what to do. You have flashes of  "What could be. What could have been."
The thing is, there isn't really a such thing. You forget, conveniently, about the way he smothered you. Or you don't recall how she never returned your calls. You may not recall that he disappeared for hours at a time, or had a nasty habit you didn't like. There are numerous negative things about an over relationship we forget because we are too focused on making life complicated with the 'What if' s of life that shouldn't exist because if it's meant to happen, it will and there isn't much you'll be able to do to stop it. Worrying only makes life miserable. so don't worry about that other one person who broke your heart inconsiderately, or the one you ended it with because they're crazy. Only think about the present. A person who looks behind them all the time will walk into a ditch if they don't pay attention to what's coming.

think about it:)

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