Friday, November 19, 2010

You Are a Masterpiece

Have you ever seen a Picasso, Van Gough, or Monet painting? These paintings are about four quadrillion dollars a piece at an art auction. Some of these pieces may look like something a four- year- old scribbled once one time on the wall of her big sister’s bedroom wall. But to some, these paintings are as good as gold, as shown in the prices. To them, these paintings are the most beautiful use of color and line that have ever blessed the earth. These pricey paintings make so many people think and form opinions; some good, some not so good.

1. There are 4.03 billion people on Earth as of 2010. With all these people, come an overwhelming amount of opinions.  It amazes me how hard it is to accept this fact, but the odds are against you that all 4.03 billion people’s opinions of you will be positive. It’s unfortunately a fact of life that we must accept to keep happy- or just unmiserable. There is no way you can please everyone unless you are completely 4.03 billion-faced, in which case someone won’t like you because you’re fake. So either way, you won’t win. See my point?
      2. Have you ever heard the saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"?  It sounds super cliché, but if you think about it, this saying is incredibly true. If you remember those paintings I mentioned, some people see things in those paintings that NOBODY ELSE sees. These paintings mean something to them for some reason. Our ideas of what is beautiful have evolved so much that we’re afraid to be ourselves, or be seen without makeup. We forget that some of the most beautiful women of the past wore little to no makeup. Why are we that insecure in ourselves? We are made perfectly, without mistake.                                             
            3.  How many times have you heard your parents tell you “Honey, it’s what’s on the inside that counts"? This is just one more thing that sounds so cliché to us, but we throw the importance of its meaning away. There’s always that one girl or guy at school, work, wherever, who is unbelievably attractive. People who see them, but don’t know them say: “ oh my goodness,  what I wouldn’t give to be with them!”. You’ll make a disgusted face that they don’t understand and say: “uhh.. you couldn’t pay me to be with THAT.”  Some people may the most physically attractive person you’ve ever seen in your life, but the way they act makes them ugly. You know what I’m talking about. It may be the way they carry themselves, or the way they treat others. If you know what I’m talking about, why do we strive to be like these hideous people?
You are beautifully and flawlessly made. You are endlessly inspiring, and you are loved. There is no other person like you in this place populated by 4.03 billion people, and there will never be another you. You are a priceless masterpiece.

think about it :)

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