It makes little sense that I would stop what I love to do, just because someone has the nerve to try and be me. I was raised to never give up, and that's what I plan to stick to. My thunder will not be stolen. I will make a point to say that copycatting extremely discouraged in the REAL world. If you plan to get anywhere in life, cheating is not the way to go. Cheaters never win, and winners never cheat. You may have to think on your own if you'd like to be successful, and stealing ideas is not original. If you plan to take something, at least put an original twist on it, please. Lady Gaga once said, "You must be unique, and different, and shine in your own way." Why would you waste time and effort following someone, when you can just as easily make your own tracks? This makes no sense to me. It's much more fun to be your own person that someone wants to get to know, than to be someone everyone has already seen.
I close in this: be the you that makes you YOU-NIQUE. Reinvent yourself. Try new things. Meet new people. Go on an adventure. Try something that has never been tried before. Be nice when nobody else is. BE UNIQUE. Nobody likes a copier.
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