Sunday, November 21, 2010

Meant to Be

As I sit outside on this crisp November evening, alone by a crackling fire, I listen to Taylor Swift’s acoustic version of Haunted. I listen to the words carefully and think way too deeply about the meaning of the song. I start to feel the way Taylor must have felt as she composed this poetry. So much meaning comes from this incredible song that my socks are knocked of. I consider the pain in her voice as she sings about love and loss. I think about how much faith it takes to never give up on someone. To put your trust so completely into someone, that you love them recklessly. The ability love has to make someone crumble by the mere loss of it.
This song, of course, may not plainly say all of this, but it leads my ever-crowded mind to consider the extreme meaning and power of love. The ability it has to allow you to know someone on their deepest levels and care about their happiness more than your own. It is an incredible feeling one cannot describe accurately. Love is planned. Not by you or me, but by the Unexplainable Planner of the Universe. You can’t plan yourself who your Prince or Princess is, it was all laid out before you were even a star in the sky. Although at first you may not like it, soon thereafter, you can’t imagine your life without them. The mere thought of losing them pains your stomach. That’s where love comes in. The patient, kind, humble feeling in your being that you can’t control. These planned loves are often referred to as ‘Meant to be’ and are a result of the flawless planning above no other.
            A crazy, unexplainable thing about it is that there is a gut feeling when it’s right. I have not experienced it myself, but I only hope that one day I’ll get to know the wonderful knowing or the unexplained happening of it. This one couple I have the privilege of knowing are newlyweds. He is tall, handsome, and treats his wife like a queen. He is an incredible man who accepts every aspect of her life without question. He is undoubtedly a ‘winner’. He enjoys and accepts her family for who they are, just like love does. When he sees her, his face lights up like in some of the best chick flicks I’ve seen. He treats her tenderly, and the way he feels about her is obvious. She feels the same way, and displays it in her own way. She knew, early on, that he was special. She had a feeling, from the way he cared for her broken finger, that he was different from the guys that had left her heart torn and chipped in the past. She had a feeling that this was a ‘Meant to be’ before he even stepped foot into her families sights. He was a hit with her family, as she was with his. This is truly a plan by the big Playmaker. It was obvious to all of us soon after he made his lasting impression, to her, that there was no life without her other half. They went most places together and always and were a joy to watch as they stay engaged in each other’s company.
            I know that my meant to be is out there, somewhere. I pray that he be consumed by the Plan Maker. I hope that he allows the Maker of the Stars to be his refuge, strength and world. I hope that he allows his Creator to be his all in all.  I pray that he allows the King to show him the path to me, as I follow the path to him. I pray that when I find him, I will know he is my ‘meant to be’. When I find him, I will be thankful for the flawless plan chosen for me. We will grow together and live by the plan set by the One Who Knows All.

Think about it :)

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