I am here in this little town that holds the memories, both pleasant and otherwise, in the palm of its hand. I leave tomorrow, and in some ways that seems all too soon. But as I think about the short visit I've had here, compared to others, I also recall the way people are back in the town I currently call my home, still living life. The few friends I do have are still going on with life, as I moved my life here for a few days. I regrettably spend my last night here, hunched over this computer, typing this.
On one hand, I think that this is not where I am meant to be at this moment in time, but on a completely different page, I cannot stop my thoughts from flowing through my fingers and onto this computer screen that has held so many of my secrets already. I consider, for just a moment too long, the consideration my few friends have had over the past few days to keep me filled in, if those are the right words. They have not failed to always keep me updated at all hours of the night. I struggle to think of my life without them. Though I have a different situation and story with all four, I love them all. They all hold a separate place in my heart, and I am so thankful for them all.
On one hand, I think that this is not where I am meant to be at this moment in time, but on a completely different page, I cannot stop my thoughts from flowing through my fingers and onto this computer screen that has held so many of my secrets already. I consider, for just a moment too long, the consideration my few friends have had over the past few days to keep me filled in, if those are the right words. They have not failed to always keep me updated at all hours of the night. I struggle to think of my life without them. Though I have a different situation and story with all four, I love them all. They all hold a separate place in my heart, and I am so thankful for them all.
I am amazed, to say the least, how two people can meet, and from the first conversation, they have a special connection. This, of course, has happened before, and is not, by any means, uncommon. Two people, gender aside, can completely relate and know each other on all levels. They can speak to each other for days upon days and never run out of conversation. This relationship is rare. I have not known any two people who have this ability, with the exception of these two. The kind of friendship is often misunderstood, and may be mistaken for something more among certain company who fails to understand. We have even misunderstood it once or twice, but soon realized that this friendship was too special and unique to risk. In reality, some things are meant to be strictly friends. I love this friend, and cherish his friendship among some of the most valuable things I have. Just meeting this person has been a blessing and I couldn't imagine life without them.
I am also amazed by the way the Plan Maker can take control of your opinions and change them seemingly overnight. I am truly without understanding of the way two people who once disliked each other strongly with strong and burning passions, could truly become friends. We can put whatever has happened in the past behind us, laugh about it, and trust each other like friends should be able to. We are able to be together and have a good time without the use of fake smiles and forced laughter. I am touched by the way he can come to me, with a heavy heart, and truly ask and listen for advice. I am astounded by the way I have come to acceptance of our friendship so quickly, and welcomed it with a smiling heart and open arms. Even though we go back through tears, thrown rocks, confusion, and fights, we take it all in stride, and look towards the future. We take life one hurdle at a time. I am endlessly thankful for the way two people can also bond over such a short time. The way people, no matter how different or alike they may be, can come together to become friends. I am shocked the way she reminds me that first impressions mean nothing. Looks count for nothing, when it comes to a person's heart. Sometimes, people can surprise you. You may be surprised by the number of things you have in common with someone. The relationship we have proves that you will never know someone unless you get to know them. We have endless shared obsessions, and that's what friendship is about. We can share secrets that nobody else will ever know. Although we haven't known each other long, we make up for lost time in understanding. We were put together to understand each other and know how the other feels. We were put together as ears for each other to listen, and hearts to sympathize. We are never afraid to put our guard down, whether childish or seriously hurt. We take drama and issues one Taylor Swift song at a time.

Together we make a group, and I truly think that these people were not all placed in my life by chance, but they were strategically placed here with me to help and guide me through life by Someone Much Bigger Than Me. Without them, my life would be much more unbearable. They brighten up my life all the time, sometimes without even realizing it. The light that they carry with them is endless, and could brighten the darkest of caves. They are some of the most special people that I have ever had the privilege to meet, and they are nonstop inspiration. I am incredibly thankful for these four people. These people are the string that tie my life together, and I wouldn't know what to do without them. It was enchanting to meet you.
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