Have you ever been sitting in a place, metaphorically or otherwise, and you know that that is the spot you were meant to be? Have you ever felt that the world was spinning perfectly, if only for a moment? What about the fact that even if you've been in a
terrible mood all week, just being in that spot where you belong can, and does, put you in the best mood ever? This is a surreal feeling, and one that I haven't known in a long time.

Whether metaphorically or not, home is where the heart is. This home, in which your heart is found, may be in your hometown. Your heart may reside in the home that is your significant other. It may even be found in your literal house. Wherever it is, you know that coming back to that home is the best feeling in the world. For those who find their home in their general hometown, it feels wonderful to enter back into that landmark after which is considered 'home'. When I was much younger than I am today, I lived in a small town in Mississippi. While going back and forth from the town in Louisiana, of which I have spoken of since Friday, I would look for a flagpole. This little flagpole waved a big American flag, and was located in the center of a trailer sales place. No matter how random this landmark may seem, I grew up watching for that flagpole. Even today, I catch myself searching the horizon for the flagpole as I ride into the town my grandparents still live in. Even as I lived in Arkansas, as I passed the flagpole I would sigh in relief to finally be home. Some, on one hand, find their home in their significant other. You may be in the most awful mood while your away from them. This is a very dangerous situation to be in, but the feeling once you reside in their arms once again is worth it. Although this is not the way I am, personally, I know many people who are this way. It is a joy to see them together, but while they're apart, it's as if they're on an emotional rollercoaster. Once you are able to put your heart's residence in another, you know it's a serious commitment. Because once this happens, you give them the power to do what they want with your heart. This fact encourages me to keep my heart resided in other, stationary things that tend not to talk. Some of us, alternatively, put hearts in our homes. Walking in the door of a familiar place and having your own space is the most meaningful feeling in the world. It surpasses all understanding, and I don't think I'll never know why I feel so good knowing this:
No matter where I go during the day, I have a home that is waiting for me. This is not always a good thing to put your heart into, either, since there are so many occasions that may cause happen to cause your physical house to not be there anymore. Some people, also like myself, hold their heart in the ones they love. This is the residence I find most pleasing and painless because I try to always surround myself with those that I love. Although I know this is not always possible, the times when I'm not able to be surrounded by these wonderful people make me endlessly thankful for the time I do get to spend with them. I get the privilege to expand my heart's home by simply growing my heart's ability to love people. I practice this everyday by trying to expand my patience and understanding of every one's separate story and growing my ability to listen to everyone. in doing this, My heart will always have a home, no matter where I go.
That being said, where is your heart? Is it placed in the care of your boyfriend? Is it left behind at the flagpole while your off in Tennessee? Is it at your personal address or P.O Box? Is it with your family, and people who care for you more than you can imagine? Is it in something harmful? Is it in something that will help grow you into a person you would want to associate yourself with?
think about it:)
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