As I sit here, as I often do, on the floor of my bedroom, I think. I consider the end of the year approaching, I consider the past week I spent avoiding the spot on the floor in my bedroom on which I think my best thoughts. But now that I’m back in my spot, this is what I consider: This week, I faced many life lessons. I learned that being your own person is sometimes difficult. I faced fears I had denied as fears my entire life. I learned tolerance. I learned that sometimes it’s best to just support friends, no matter what they choose. I figured out that sometimes it pays to be a good listener, instead of talking about you all the time. I learned that you can’t slow life down. You can beg it all you want, but it won’t pause itself or stop so you can take a breath. You can never stop growing up, no matter what you want to do. I realized, recently, that things will show themselves to you and teach you lessons if you just watch out for it.

As you might know, I’m easily inspired and always thinking. I was inspired by two of my favorite artist, Taylor Swift and Adam Young, and their seemingly collaborative attempt to show me that I am unbrave entirely too often. I didn’t use the word afraid for a reason. This reason is that bravery and fear are like comparing apples and oranges. “Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the will to overcome it”. I realized that I am not brave at all, but I’m not alone in this fact. Personally, I am far too comfortable with my fears. It seems as though, sometimes, I have no willpower to be ‘fearless’ and overcome my fears. I am terrified, for a good example, of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Or stumbling on words when I know it’s the right time to say something. I am afraid to speak, to put it simply. I live out conversations before I say them, to ensure that they have the proper effect; I hate speaking to many people at once, and I hate anything to do with messing up verbally. Realizing my most porminent fear, i consider that whether we’re afraid to admit that we love someone, have a problem with someone, or can’t live without someone, it all needs to be said. Say what you think. Of course, there are always polite and kind and considerate ways to bring something about in conversation, so keep that in mind. Being afraid to admit that you feel some way or don't want to do somthing is only keeping it bottled up inside. You never know how something will turn out. Fear is just one more bridge that you have to overcome, whether or not it's speaking. Winnnie the Pooh said it best, I think:“If ever there is a tomorrow when we’re not together, there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart, I’ll always be with you.” So I encourage you to find your voice, wherever it is, and embrace it. Be braver than you think you can be. Be fearless; speak now.
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