As the year draws to a close, my birthday draws near. The upcoming of these two events are extremely close, and although I feel like I’ve definitely been a mental and emotional slump over the past few days; I definitely feel uplifted. Sometimes I get a small case of pessimism, but after a little inspiration from the most inspirational woman I know, everything’s better. We all have those figures in our life that are our world. That person is your night light, and always has been. When times are unbelievably dark, that one person can just light it up with the wattage of their smile. They are your superhero.
Many years ago, almost 16 if we’re completely specific, I met this woman. Her eyes were kind, and her voice was gentle. At once, I depended on her for everything. Through everything my whole life, we were a unit. We were together as she went through a few tough times in her life, and I was her sunshine. As I got a little older, she was my sunshine. She would tuck me in at night, and that would be my favorite time of the day. Her quiet whisper voice as she tucked me in, kissed me on the forehead, and told me she loved me was always my favorite lullaby. The way she hugged me always let me know that everything would be fine. No matter if it was a scraped knee or a broken heart; she always knew exactly how to make it better. As I got a little older, I would always look to her for advice. I would come home and explain the problem, and no matter how small it was she would tell me how to fix it. I’ve never met a woman who is more caring than she. There is never anyone too dumb or any problem too small for her too handle. At the same time, there was never a problem too big for her to tackle. Through everything she’s been through, she’s been nothing but a rock. I love this woman with everything, and as I got older and my problems got more intense; she still had advice. She always seems to have a story to tell me that exactly matches my problem. Although she didn’t always make the right choice, she has always led me to make the right one. Her struggles and blessings have both come together to make her the amazing woman she is. She trusts in her Maker more than any other woman I know. She has gotten visibly stronger in her faith over the years, and her advice and the way she walks show it. Her grace is original, and her laugh is unmistakable. As I’ve gotten older, we’ve slowly made that bond of friendship that every mother and daughter hope to have. As I grow up, I tend to look back and recall memories of when I was younger. I look back to when I was her only child, even though I hardly remember. I recall stories of what I said, did, or how my personality was at such a young age. I look at pictures of the way she would dress me up, and treat me like her own personal baby doll. I look back to the way she’s always been right in her advice to me, even when I thought she was wrong. I remember every time she was there for me. I even remember the book I used to make her read to me every night.

Of all the books to be my favorite, this was it. I Love You, Goodnight by Jon Buller & Susan Schade. Silly rhymes and stanzas all come together to make a silly, important point. I was loved. Even now, in my dullest hours, I’m loved. In the darkest rooms of my life, her simple smile and tight hug will always be there for me. And I hope that one day I have a daughter to love like frogs love flies. I hope that I’ll read her that book, and it’ll mean as much to her as it does to me. I want to be able to give her the advice that she needs to get through the hard years of growing up. I want to be a mommy to her like my mommy is to me.
Dear Mom,
Thank you for always being there for me. You were always right, and you still will be 98574387 more times, I’m sure. You are incredibly amazing, and I want to be just like you when I grow up. I love you like I love blueberry pancakes. You give the best hugs ever, and never hesitate to give them to me when I need them most. You are definitely my superhero.
Your daughter
think about it:)
Your Momma is a lucky woman, just as you are a lucky young lady. Thank you for posting such a beautiful sentiment. It makes me think about the relationship with my own daughter, and it makes me hope she feels the same about me as a mother. Something is telling me she does. I see much of you in her. This probably explains why she has looked to you as a role model. I couldn't ask for a better one than you.