I feel like it’s been too long since I’ve sat here on my floor and typed my feelings out on my laptop. Maybe it’s because I’ve been too busy making life complicated.
Maybe it’s because February is such a busy month. Maybe I’ve been distant because I’ve been trying to figure out who I am. Lately, I’ve run out of answers; I only have questions. I have been trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do about life. What am I supposed to do next? How do I handle this? Is this wrong? Is this right? Questions fill my head, as usual, but it’s a different tidal wave of thought this time. My often gargantuan tsunami of thought processes has changed course. It’s now tons and tons of little, tiny seashells that wash up on the shore to be found. I don’t know how else to deal with all of this besides type, and talk to myself. However, something tells me that if someone overheard me talking to myself, it would be embarrassing. I still continue to argue with myself in hopes of finding the answers I’ve been looking for oh so desperately.
Maybe it’s because February is such a busy month. Maybe I’ve been distant because I’ve been trying to figure out who I am. Lately, I’ve run out of answers; I only have questions. I have been trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do about life. What am I supposed to do next? How do I handle this? Is this wrong? Is this right? Questions fill my head, as usual, but it’s a different tidal wave of thought this time. My often gargantuan tsunami of thought processes has changed course. It’s now tons and tons of little, tiny seashells that wash up on the shore to be found. I don’t know how else to deal with all of this besides type, and talk to myself. However, something tells me that if someone overheard me talking to myself, it would be embarrassing. I still continue to argue with myself in hopes of finding the answers I’ve been looking for oh so desperately.
“…Life’s not a paragraph, and death I think is no parentheses...”

think about it:)
&& click here to read the whole entire poem.
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