I’m amazed sometimes at just how easily I seem to zoom down a track on my train of thought. It seems that sometimes a simple four word text message from someone I care about can send me blasting into realization faster with more force than a punch to the stomach. A simple statement just flings me, along with my train of thought, into a deep thought. I guess that proves how much I think. Too much.
Time is such an amazing thing to think about. It’s depressing if you thought about too often, but lovely to think about in moderation. It’s awesome to me the way that time never stops. Waiting for something seems to slow down time, and having fun seems to speed it up; but it is always moving at the same pace. A minute will always be 60 seconds. An hour will always last for 60 minutes; catch my drift? Time seems to fly, people seem to change, trends seem to change, and life in general just keeps going. Time is entirely too precious to waste. I catch myself thinking about time, the past and future, and how I could have changed things. I’ve redundantly mentioned how everything has a plan, I know, but it’s true. I often anticipate my own moves, as if I’m my own opponent in a chess game. I wonder what I’ll do next, and I get in a rush. I think about what I’ll do next, or two steps from now. I don’t appreciate how things are at the moment. I don’t enjoy every second in a minute, or minute in an hour. I find myself waiting for tomorrow when today hasn’t even started yet. Time is such a crazy thing. It doesn’t stop for anyone, not even a little. I try to think of what else I could say about time, to try to explain what I feel about the whole thing; my mind is blown. All I can think to say is this: consider time. In all you do, consider that there will never be a December 22, 2010 EVER!! No matter what, you will never get this day back. Spending all of your time thinking, or doing things without thinking will hardly get you anywhere in life. You’ll either waste the moment, or miss it. Don’t dwell on the past, because it won’t change. You won’t get a do-over. You can’t take anything back literally. You can’t re-do, so don’t cry over ‘what could have been’. I learned that one the hard way. Don’t spend all of your time in the future, because none of that is really guaranteed. Just spend your time in the present, mostly. There will always be exceptions to the rule, I know. I just wanted to give you something to think about.
I don’t have much more for you than that at the moment. I don’t know if you can relate to this one. It’s just the way my mind works sometimes.
Think about it :)
You make a good point, my dear. Just remember to not close out the past completely. Every moment becomes a lesson, some insignificant and others life altering. Sometimes opening the door to the past will help you get through your door in the present. It is important to look upon the road you have traveled, but not dwell on the road blocks that were in your path. Never forget where you came from.