I sit here, staying up entirely too late, typing on a strange computer that makes me uncomfortable. It's an awestruck feeling that fills me when I begin to type after a while; I'm getting back onto a rusty bicycle that hasn't been ridden in many moons. I feel like I have a whole new appreciation for the art because it's been gone from me so long.
Over the gruesome month of June, so much has happened. The nearly 12 hour flight that took me 5000 miles away from home and on to the great state of Hawaii was an adventure in itself. I spent twelve days on a total of three islands: Oahu, Kauai, and the Big Island. The experiences and adventures that took place there are immeasurable. Our family of fourteen visited Oahu, the home of the Royal Hawaiian. That hotel can be described in one word: Pink. With that big pink host house, we toured the Dole Plantation on the Pineapple Express, and we toured Pearl Harbor, where we met three of the cutest old men to survive the tragic explosion. We also got to swim with trained dolphins, and we para sailed over the aqua blue waters of the ocean. In Kauai, we watched some of the finest hula dancers in the world as they juggled fire. We rode, on horseback, down a mountain, and we went swimming at the base of a waterfall. We relaxed on the eighth day because we were worn out from all of the constant going. The next day picked right back up when we tubed down a 'ditch' and under over a mile of tunnel. I hope you aren't afraid of the dark! We left Kauai the next day, and arrived at the Big Island, where we drove to the top of the world's tallest mountain to star gaze at a little over 9000 feet in the air (it counts as the world's tallest mountain because it starts underwater). The next day, we traveled 4100 feet up in the air to hike by a few steam vents and active volcanoes. We spent twelve long hours traveling home the very next day.
More important than all the memories created in that contrasting state was that during the time in Hawaii, The Creator of the Galaxies took me on a tour of the world He created. He splashed colors in the sky to create rainbows for me to see, and He showed me mountaintops through a view better than any prescription glasses any optometrist could give me. The Lover of the World took me on this tour with and showed me everything through His love. He grabbed me by my tiny hand and said, "I created all of this with just my voice, yet you were created with my hands. I knitted you inside your mother's womb because you are special, and I love you." He reminded me each and every day, through whatever I did, that He is the One who created my story so delicately. He instructed me that I am only to follow His lead, no matter what the world does. I walked so closely with my Sustainer that I was devastated to leave. When the time came, I went home. I spent hours unpacking and repacking when I walked in the door, in preparation for the next day. The very next day, after returning home from my long Hawaiian adventure, I was to head off to church camp for a week. At first, I was a little depressed to have to leave home so soon. I missed my house, but going off to church camp only extended my walk with God, introduced me to new friends, and taught me many things. I met a few new friends that live in a little town in Texas. These are people God surely tailored into my life oh-so-delicately, because without church camp, they would not have existed in my world and made such an impact on my life. This small group of people that I had the honor of meeting allowed me to widen my horizons. They let me share my crazy, in-too-deep opinions with them, and get to know someone other than myself. I thought on a deeper level than I thought possible, which is quite the accomplishment. I got to know people I already was acquainted with, but got to love them on a level that is beautiful and selfless. I loved them with a love only possible through the Most High Love. That was an eye opening thing to see; I had never felt like God's puppet before. With such impact as a car crash, I was struck in the heart with The Great Puppeteer saying to me, "I am the All Consuming One. I want all of you, all the time. You need to stay with Me, hold My hand, and let Me continue to be the light of your life."
It's awesome how once you have an experience like that, you'll do anything to keep it within your grasp. A journey with the Creator of the Universe is not something to be taken lightly, and since He called me, I was not about to ignore Him. Even still, it's a heartbreaking realization to realize that, for ten months, your priorities have been misplaced, slowly drifting further and further out of whack. I pleaded with The Merciful One not to break my heart in the way He had laid on my heart, but all The Great Planner said was: "I've got bigger, better plans than anything you could create yourself. Follow Me." How can you argue with that? I got home, and I did the hardest thing I've ever had to do. And although that "thing" may or may not remain unknown to you reading this, I urge you to do this: Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." (Colossians 3:17)
If you don't, you'll have some serious heartbreaking to do because rearrangements will be absolutely necessary. The fact of the matter is: The Sustaining Grace of the Galaxies doesn't take second place. However, when He demands first, and you inevitably give it to him, His plan for you will always be the best plan. Nothing can compare to His power.
think about it:)